Introduction to blogging

Hello world!

I always wanted to be included in the Open Source community, and I thought that only ways to do that was creating/contributing to npm, or answering questions on Stack Overflow. However, since I don't have enough (any) experience with neither how npm packages should be created, or how to find Stack Overflow questions that I could answer, I failed to make any contributions for the past 3 years.

Another thing that always seemed to me that all great engineers have in common was "keeping up with current trends - technologies" . But I failed to find a way to incorporate finding and reading these "what's happening in the programming world" articles into my daily routine.

Not so long a go, I discovered extension for Chrome - it opens you a list of newest dev articles every time you open a new tab, and suddenly I found myself reading dev articles every day. This made me feel that finally, I was doing something that would help me transform from just a Javascript Developer to Software Architect (or at least Engineer for start).

Also, while reading trough the articles, I found couple of them suggesting that every Developer should have some kind of a Blog where he/she would document thoughts, problems, solutions, or anything else that could be useful and/or spark a discussion in the Community. And it struck me - it may not be much, but here is another way that I could make some contribution to the Open Source. Thus, this blog is born - and this page written.

I decided to create myself an appointment on the calendar to remind myself to try and write something every week, with hope that one day I may write something useful for someone in need.

I'll finish off this post with an insignificant THANK YOU to npm, Stack Overflow, Medium, and all other awesome communities and people who provided me with solutions when my hair was starting to fall off. I say insignificant because no words can touch how grateful I am for all of you good people both asking and answering questions, sharing your work and expertise. I can only hope that I'll find a way to deserve to be one of you.